Saturday, January 28, 2012

Republican Delusions and Ron Paul

Liberty cannot be means tested.

by Van Bryant, II

Republicans lie to themselves when they state that the economy is their greatest worry this election cycle.  Ron Paul, "Dr. Austerity" himself, would be polling at the top were this the case.
It's actually quite remarkable when you consider that the United States is $15 trillion in debt, yet the most dedicated and recognized budget hawk is a persona non grata for a considerable number of right-wing voters.  Isn't this is supposed to be a primary for the "free-market" party? Aren't conservative pundits always talking about "getting government out of the way?"

To the mainstream conservative, the economy is the smoke, not the fire.  Bad economies are seen by them as a result of "ideology," not as a consequence of something secular and realistic like "government intervention."  In the Republican's mind it is social policy, not sound money and reduction of government, that will save America from itself.
This is why Mitt Romney can be seen by the right as the "good" medical centralizer, Gingrich as the "good" Washington insider, and Santorum as the "good" gay-hating ideologue.  Follow the mob's conservative "values," say these utopians, and sound economic policy will surely come...  Along with roast chickens that will fly into your mouth on demand.
That so many voters refuse to look beyond the stalemated battle between "left" and "right" social values, while our economy crumbles around us frankly astonishes me.  There are over 300 million American citizens, including thousands of religions and ideologies, yet people still adhere to the foolish notion that we have to associate with,  kowtow to one opinion?
Not only is it idiotic, it is inherently vicious.  Why must I be forced to support laws promoting, indirectly funding abortion clinics? Why must my only other option involve being forced to support government enforcement against abortion clinics? Why do I have to support "defense," when I believe our foreign policy is imperious and idiotic? Why must I support welfare schemes for people I would likely despise were I to meet them personally? Why are all social issues presented to me as a package deal, when there are realistic options that would allow otherwise?
Social issues are best left to society; not as an aggregated unit, like the statists of the left and right propose, but as a collaborated effort between the unique individuals who make up their immediate area.  Show me a "true social conservative," and I'll show you a Soviet politburo member, eager to send heretical "enemies of the people" off to the gulag.
Only Ron Paul offers to move America away from the vicious state powers that have and continue to disintegrate cooperative effort between human beings.  How much longer will conservatives fool themselves into believing their version of fascism is any better than the liberals? Liberty cannot be means tested.

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