Christian? Conservitive? Independent? No I don't think so, Glen Beck's bought and paid for!
by Mark Vogl
Governor Mitt Romney,
moderate from Massachusetts, father of Romney Care, wealthy, Mormon,
and blue blood took a pretty good stomping in South Carolina. Why?
one reason appears to be he would not reveal his tax returns. By his
own admission Mr. Wealth admitted that he was paying about 15%as his
federal income tax rates! What's that mean? It means he is so wealthy he
lives off his long term investments. Now this is the politician who
creates a state health care program in Massachusetts, and wants the tax
payers of the state to pay for it. Romney's plan was the proto type for
Obama Care! Socialism, whether at the federal level, or at the state
level is still socialism and anti-American!
years, the RINO's in the Republican Party have been telling the
conservatives within the party that we had to take the lesser of two
evils. That led to George Bush I & II, Bob Dole, and John McCain. It
also led to 17 trillion in debt, two major wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
while not guarding the US - Mexican border, failure to develop US
energy resources, huge unemployment and a general dependence on the
government. That's what the lesser of two evils strategy has gotten us.
Beck is spending three hours a day using his sarcasm to attack Newt
Gingrich. No objectivity, no discussion, just typical Beck propaganda!
But Glen I got some news for you.
time conservatives, Just Say No! We either want Sarah Palin, or we want
someone who will actually reverse course. We want someone who will
reduce federal spending, eliminatecentralization of power through the
elimination of the federal Department of Education, and EPA, and federal
money for the arts, and earmarks for Congressman.
PARTY, where are you?Don't lay quiet and think that like a bunch cheer
leadersyou are gonna run onto to the field after the choices are made.
Either you stand for something or you don't. If you stand something,
than pick your candidate based on what you stand for...and announce.
at Cross Roads. This is not a time to go soft. This is not a time to
wait, to join the bandwagon after the decisions have been made.
Americans, time for you to speak your mind.
Glen Beck every day proves he is not what he said he was. Every day Beck turns from his Christianity to promote a non-Christian!
Carolina you did your job! South Carolina, as you have so many times in
the past, you have stood up and were counted. South Carolina you made a
difference. You have given the people a choice!
the game is in your court. Many in Florida are northeasterners! For
years I have called Florida the sixth county of New York City! I believe
those "Floridians" will vote for Romney, their northeastern kin! I
believe the Yankees will stick together! Florida, your entire economic
base is built on tourism! Therefore you should be very concerned with
big picture economics! The better the US economy, the better your state
will do. But, socialism, Obama Care, huge mountains of debt, and
globalism, andfalse issues like Global Warming are hobbling the US
economy, and thus your hotels are empty! All your tourist end points,
like Disneyland, Ft. Lauderdale, etc. are suffering because Americans
don't have the disposable income to go on vacations to Florida!
you best wake up. Who is better for your economy? Is it Romney and his
RINOism which would pretty much carry on the economic policies of Obama,
or is it a more conservative economic policy focused on rebuilding the
US economy, In part this is about developing US energy resources! In
part, this about is about retaking the US marketplace for American made
goods, and in part this about cutting back on the "entitlement" state!
you are a core economic nod gel within the American economy. It's up to
you. South Carolina has sent a message. They have reset this primary,
and demonstrated that the people are tired of the status quo. Florida,
we need to reclaim our heritage, not at a parade, or 4th of July
ceremony. We need to reclaim our heritage in policy and practice! We
need to reclaim our Judeo-Christian faiths, and our capitalist economic
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