During the war, the Pentagon commissioned a study on the probable
effects of bombing Iraq’s water- and sewage-treatment plants. The report
indicated that if such plants were bombed, countless Iraqis would die
from infectious diseases arising from drinking polluted water.
The Pentagon issued its order: Bomb the water- and sewage-treatment facilities.
When the war was over, Saddam Hussein was still in power and refused
to depart Iraq voluntarily. Unwilling to send U.S. forces into Baghdad
to remove him from power, the U.S. government instead imposed one of the
most brutal economic embargoes in history on the Iraqi people. The idea
was that if Saddam Hussein left office, the sanctions would be lifted.
If he didn’t, the sanctions would stay.
The U.S. government’s cover story was that the purpose of the
sanctions was not regime change but simply to induce Saddam to give up
his WMDs. (Yes, the same WMDs that the United States and other Western
countries had previously delivered to him during the 1980s to help him
kill Iranians.)
But it was a flagrant lie, one that Barack Obama himself would use
many years later, when he claimed that he was bombing Libya not to
remove Qaddafi from power but simply to “protect civilians” from
Qaddafi’s army. The entire idea of the Iraq sanctions, like Obama’s
bombing of Libya, like the coup that ousted Mossadegh from power in
Iran, was to effect regime change within a foreign country.
But the sanctions did not succeed in achieving their supposed goal.
In fact, they ended up strengthening Saddam’s power, especially with
respect to his strong central control over the distribution of food,
which the sanctions brought about.
Where the sanctions were tremendously successful was in killing
Iraqi children — hundreds of thousands of them — in large part as a
result of the infectious diseases that the Pentagon study stated would
result if Iraq’s water- and sewage-treatment plants were destroyed.
Among other things, the sanctions prevented the Iraqis from
repairing those facilities. Year after year, tens of thousands of Iraqi
children were dying, to the total indifference of U.S. officials. They
just didn’t care. All that mattered was getting rid of Saddam and
replacing him with a new U.S. partner and ally. Everything else,
including the deaths of countless children year after year, was
secondary. This mindset was made crystal-clear by Madeleine Albright,
the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. In 1996, seven years before
the sanctions were finally lifted, she declared in an interview with Sixty Minutes that the deaths of half a million Iraqi children were, in fact, “worth it.”
Needless to say, not everyone agreed. People from around the world
were horrified, especially those in Iraq and the Middle East who had
seen the children dying en masse year after year. One can only imagine
what effect Albright’s answer had on anger and rage in that part of the
world that had been smoldering for so many years, especially given the
helplessness that people there felt when it came to doing something
about the sanctions.
Not even the resignations of two high UN officials — Hans van Sponek
and Denis Halliday, who resigned in protest against what they called
genocide — affected the cruel mindsets of U.S. officials. If you want to
get a sense of the callousness, even light-heartedness that U.S.
officials showed toward the horrible consequences of the Iraq sanctions,
the best work on this subject is Invisible War: The United States and the Iraq Sanctions, by Joy Gordon. If you don’t want to go that far, then read an article she wrote for Harper’s magazine entitled “Cool War: Economic Sanctions as a Weapon of Mass Destruction,” which is posted at http://harpers.org/archive/2002/11/0079384. As well, you can read a review of her book in the September 2010 issue of Freedom Daily (www.fff.org/freedom/fd1009f.asp).
Why do they hate us?
To get a good sense of the horror produced by the sanctions, go to www.fff.org/whatsNew/2004-02-09a.htm, which lists articles about the sanctions that The Future of Freedom Foundation compiled in 2004.
If a foreign regime succeeded in enforcing a total embargo on the
United States that was killing tens of thousands of American children,
what do you think would be the reaction of most Americans? Do you think
they would be calm and pacific about the matter? Would they just say,
“Golly, politics sure can be tough. Time to move on”?
I don’t think so. I think Americans would be filled with rage and
that it would continue to grow every year that the embargo was in place.
And if that foreign regime stated that the embargo would be lifted if
the U.S. president were to resign from office, my hunch is that most
Americans would oppose his doing so, willing to bear the price of
principle and waiting for the day to exact vengeance.
Consider the 9/11 attacks. I would venture to say that most
Americans didn’t know any of the victims personally. Nonetheless, the
anger across the country was palpable, and many people wanted revenge,
which made it so easy for George W. Bush to justify his invasion of
Iraq, even though it had no connection to the 9/11 attacks.
So why is it so difficult for Americans to understand that other
people might react the same way that they would react if faced with the
same situation? Why wouldn’t we expect people to be angry because of the
U.S. government’s support of foreign dictators who are torturing and
abusing their citizenry, because of the U.S. government’s bombs and
missiles that are killing or maiming people within the region, and
because of the U.S. government’s sanctions that are killing, year after
year, countless innocent children, all for the purpose of regime change
in Iraq?
And it’s not as if there weren’t signals of what was to come on
9/11. There were the terrorist attacks on the USS Cole and on the
U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. There was the terrorist attack on
the World Trade Center itself in 1993, after which one of the
attackers, Ramzi Yousef, angrily pointed to the Iraq sanctions and other
aspects of U.S. foreign policy at his sentencing hearing in U.S.
District Court.
And then came 9/11. That was when U.S. officials quickly announced
that the terrorists just hated America for its freedom and values,
ignoring the U.S. government’s longtime support of brutal dictators in
the Middle East who used U.S. support to oppress their own people; the
killing of untold numbers of Iraq citizens during the Persian Gulf War;
the premeditated destruction of Iraq’s water- and sewage-treatment
plants with the intent of spreading infectious diseases among the Iraqi
people; the killing of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children with the
sanctions; the callous declaration that the deaths of half a million
Iraqi children were “worth it,” and, it should be added, the illegal
no-fly zones over Iraq, which killed more people, including a teenage
boy; the stationing of U.S. troops near the holiest lands of the Muslim
religion, Mecca and Medina; and, of course, the unconditional military
and financial support provided, year after year, to the Israeli
According to U.S. officials, none of those things was pertinent in analyzing the motive for the 9/11 attacks.
But just as it was important to examine the Oklahoma City bombing in
the context of what the federal government had done at Waco, it is
equally important for Americans to examine the 9/11 attacks in the
context of U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East, especially after the
fall of the Berlin Wall, when the U.S. government lost its longtime Cold
War enemy, the Soviet Union. Shining the light on Waco dissuaded the
feds from committing any more Wacos, which is why there have been no
more Oklahoma City-type bombings. Shining the light on the federal
government’s actions in the Middle East could bring an end to the death,
maiming, abuse, humiliation, and destruction that the U.S. government
wreaks in the Middle East. That would mean no more 9/11s and enable our
nation to get back on the road to peace, prosperity, harmony, and
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