Thursday, January 26, 2012

Unstoppable Momentum: The Ron Paul Revolution Continues. By

Ron Paul achieved a huge victory in South Carolina, a state that showed itself increasingly receptive to his message of
  • cutting the budget by $1 trillion the first year,
  • auditing the Federal Reserve,
  • saving the dollar,
  • ending the income tax,
  • preserving Social Security,
  • guaranteeing a strong national defense,
  • working towards a sensible, pro-American foreign policy and
  • reminding the federal government of its defining purpose: to protect our liberties.
Photo by Gage Skidmore

Ron Paul’s Surge: Faster than Ever Before

Thanks to the hard work of his campaign staff, grassroots supporters, donors and SuperPACs, Ron Paul managed to more than triple (+259%) his percentage share of votes cast in South Carolina, from 3.62% in 2008 to 13% in 2012:

The number of votes cast for Ron Paul ballooned as well, more than quadrupling (+383%) from 16,155 votes in 2008 to 78,093 votes in 2012:

These results make South Carolina the state where Ron Paul has achieved the biggest rate of growth for his campaign so far.
In Iowa, Ron Paul had increased his percentage from 9.93% to 21.45% (+116%) and his number of votes from 11,841 to 26,219 (+121%).
In New Hampshire he had increased his percentage from 7.8% to 22.91% (+194%) and his number of votes from 18,308 votes to 56,872 (+211%):

Ready for more growth? The rate of growth itself keeps growing too.
Compared to the 2008 campaign, the percentage of votes cast for Ron Paul grew by 116% in Iowa, by 195% in New Hampshire and by 259% in South Carolina.
Ron Paul’s number of votes grew by 121% in Iowa, by 211% in New Hampshire and by 383% in South Carolina:

Victory Is Within Reach

Ron Paul’s message of freedom, his ardent base of supporters and his continuing surge even in states like South Carolina put him firmly on the track to winning the nomination.
The next stop is Florida on Jan. 31, where Ron Paul received 3.23% or 62,887 votes in 2008. Could there be a surprise brewing in the Sunshine State?
The weeks after Florida bring Ron Paul to three caucus states where he is expected to do very well: Nevada (13.73% in 2008), Colorado (8.42% in 2008) and Washington state (21.64% in 2008).
Let the marathon begin!

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