Friday, January 27, 2012

Stewart: Gingrich wants to leave earth ‘for a younger planet’

By David Ferguson
Screengrab of Jon Stewart discussing Moonbase Newt
People have accused Newt Gingrich of being grandiose, which is the theme of this clip from Thursday’s The Daily Show. And according to Jon Stewart, nothing says, “I’m not grandiose” like plans for a permanent American base on the moon at the end of your second term as president.

Pundits and pollsters are saying that Gingrich’s South Carolina triumph may be fading as Mitt Romney regains his lead among likely voters. It would be a shame to see the former Speaker of the House out of the race entirely if he’s going to keep providing priceless comic cannon fodder like the the remarks he made on the campaign trail on Thursday.
Casting his mind into the future and imagining himself at the end of his triumphant second term as President Gingrich, Newt has announced that he intends to allow the American moon colony he will establish to petition for statehood.
“This isn’t about establishing new states, though,” Stewart responded, reminding viewers of the ad Gingrich did with Speaker Nancy Pelosi about climate change. He says that Newt has realized that the earth is sick, and therefore really just wants a moon base so he can leave earth “for a younger planet.”
David Ferguson
David Ferguson
David Ferguson is a writer and radio producer living in Athens, Georgia. He hosts two shows for Georgia Public Broadcasting and has blogged at and elsewhere. He is currently working on a book.

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