Will no one
rise to the defense of Captain Francesco Schettino? No? Then we
The poor man
is calumnied as a pusillanimous incompetent. Just because he hit
a rock. Heck, anyone with a ship that big could hit a rock. And
the rock wasn’t s’posed to be there!
This incompetence
charge is completely baseless. He had even tested almost the exact
same route under almost the exact same conditions back in August.
He sailed through the straits without a scratch. It was perfectly
reasonable for him to conclude that the passage was safe. Perhaps
someone put the rock there, just to catch him out.
And then comes
the charge that he ignored the fact that his ship was taking on
water…and abandoned ship before all the passengers were off.
Well, yes, but who wouldn’t? As to the first part of that complaint,
how could he know the ship was sinking until it actually began to
sink? And then, once it was determined that she was going down,
what was the point of hanging around? There were perfectly able
seamen to assist; and those passengers who had survived the collision
and the sinking proved that they were perfectly capable of getting
out on their own. Besides, the idea that the captain goes down with
the ship is out of date. Now, we are in a new age. Now, failed captains
get a bonus…and a retirement package.
In the old
days, ship owners – like bank owners – were real capitalists.
If the ship went down, the owners could lose everything. So, they
required managers – captains – who were fully committed
to bringing the vessel home safely. And if the ship sank, they were
supposed to sink with it.
The same was
true of engineers during the Roman era. If they built a bridge that
fell down, the people who paid for it were out a considerable amount
of money. So the engineers were required to stand under the bridge
when the scaffold was taken away. If the bridge failed, the engineer
was toast.
Bankers, too,
were expected – until well into the 20th century – to
suffer their own mistakes. If a bank failed. A banker was ruined.
But those days
are clearly gone. Now, the losses are felt by insurance companies
and mutual fund investors…and who gives a damn about them?
So, why should the captain go down? He should be treated like a
bank manager…or the CEO of a large public company. He shouldn’t
go down a hero. He should go up, a zombie.
Bonner is the author, with Addison Wiggin, of Financial
Reckoning Day: Surviving the Soft Depression of The 21st
Century and
The New Empire of Debt: The Rise Of An Epic Financial Crisis
and the co-author with Lila Rajiva of Mobs,
Messiahs and Markets (Wiley, 2007). His
latest book is Dice
Have No Memory.
Since 1999, Bill has been a daily contributor and the driving force
behind The Daily Reckoning.
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