Tuesday, January 31, 2012

An Early Night in Florida? (Updated) • By MICHAEL WARREN

Polls in the eastern part of Florida closed at 7 p.m. Eastern, and with over 11 percent of precincts reporting, Mitt Romney is receiving 51 percent of the vote,  with Newt Gingrich at 29 percent and Rick Santorum at 12 percent.
Mitt Romney
Drudge is reporting that the major television networks will be calling the Republican primary in Florida at 8 p.m. Eastern, the time at which polls in the western Panhandle of the state will close. Early returns suggest they will be calling the race for Romney.
Update: With 24 percent reporting, and many more counties in the northern part of the state reporting, Romney's share has slipped down to...49 percent to Gingrich's 30 percent.

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