Friday, January 13, 2012

Bam! Bam! Bam! Huge Financial Bombs Just Got Dropped All Over Europe

The European debt crisis has just gone to an entirely new level.  Just when it seemed like things may be stabilizing somewhat, we get news of huge financial bombs being dropped all over Europe.  Very shortly after U.S. financial markets closed on Friday, S&P announced credit downgrades for nine European nations.  This included both France and Austria losing their cherished AAA credit ratings.  When the credit rating of a country gets slashed, that is a signal to investors that they should start demanding higher interest rates when they invest in the debt of that nation.  Over the past year it has become significantly more expensive for many European nations to borrow money, and these new credit downgrades certainly are certainly not going to help matters.  Quite a few financially troubled nations in Europe are very dependent on the ability to borrow huge piles of cheap money, and as debt becomes more expensive that is going to push many of them over the edge.    Yesterday I wrote about 22 signs that we are on the verge of a devastating global recession, and unfortunately that list just got a whole lot longer.

22 Signs That We Are On The Verge Of A Devastating Global Recession

2012 is shaping up to be a very tough year for the global economy.  All over the world there are signs that economic activity is significantly slowing down.  Many of these signs are detailed later on in this article.  But most people don't understand what is happening because they don't put all of the pieces together.  If you just look at one or two pieces of data, it may not seem that impressive.  But when you examine all of the pieces of evidence that we are on the verge of a devastating global recession all at once, it paints a very frightening picture.  Asia is slowing down, Europe is slowing down and there are lots of trouble signs for the U.S. economy.  It has gotten to a point where the global debt crisis is almost ready to boil over, and nobody is quite sure what is going to happen next.  The last global recession was absolutely nightmarish, and we should all hope that we don't see another one like that any time soon.  Unfortunately, things do not look good at this point.

24 Statistics To Show To Anyone Who Believes That America Has A Bright Economic Future

24 Statistics To Show To Anyone Who Believes That America Has A Bright Economic Future

Beware of bubbles of false hope.  Right now there is a lot of talk about how the U.S. economy is improving, but it is all a lie.  The mainstream media can be very seductive.  When you sit down to watch television your brain tends to go into a very relaxed mode.  In such a state, it becomes easy to slip thoughts and ideas past your defenses.  Sometimes when I am watching television I realize what the media is trying to do and yet I can still feel it happening to me.  In this day and age, it is absolutely critical that we all think for ourselves.  When you look at the long-term trends and the long-term numbers, a much different picture of the U.S economy emerges than the one that is painted for us on television.  Over the long-term, the number of good jobs in America has been steadily going down.  Over the long-term, the number of Americans living in poverty and living on food stamps has been steadily going up.  Over the past couple of decades, tens of thousands of businesses, millions of jobs and trillions of dollars of our national wealth have gone out of the country.  Our debt is nearly 15 times larger than it was 30 years ago, and U.S. consumer debt has soared by 1700% over the past 40 years.  Year after year the rate of inflation goes up faster than our incomes do, and this is absolutely devastating the middle class.  Anyone who believes that we can keep doing the same things that we have been doing and yet America will still have a bright economic future is delusional.  Until the long-term trends which are taking the U.S. economy straight into the toilet are reversed, any talk of a bright economic future is absolute nonsense.


Michael Ramirez Cartoon
Michael Ramirez Cartoon

Michael Ramirez Cartoon

The Rise of the Praetorian Class

By Pete Kofod
Much attention has been paid to the "disappearing middle class" and the "vanishing American Dream." While the observations are largely accurate, they are also misleading. The traditional three-tier model of the upper, middle and lower class broadly categorizes people according to income and net worth. One significant problem with this model is that membership in any particular class is very much in the eye of the beholder. One man's "scraping by" is another man's "opulent living." This subjective and arbitrary grouping and boundary assessment inevitably gives rise to the simmering class warfare that is starting to rear its ugly head in many Western countries. Such categorization is therefore meaningless at best, if not outright deceptive as it conflates a variety of economic actors.
The chief fallacy of this model rests in the fact that it focuses on how much those actors are compensated, as opposed to how and why they are compensated. A far better perspective is perhaps gained using two classes, the Political Class and the Economic Class, with a third class emerging.

Obama Proposes New Department of Corporate Welfare

By Tad DeHaven
Contrary to what various news outlets are reporting, President Obama is NOT proposing to cut government. The administration is proposing to take four independent federal agencies that specialize in corporate welfare – along with the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative – and combine them with corporate welfare programs at the Department of Commerce to form what would I would argue should be called the Department of Corporate Welfare.

Iran's Bluster Proves Its Weakness. by Benjamin H. Friedman

Iran this week punctuated ten days of naval exercises in the Strait of Hormuz and threats to close it with a warning to U.S. Navy ships to stay out of Persian Gulf, which requires passage through the strait. The tough talk may have temporarily juiced oil prices, but it failed to impress militarily. Recent news reports have cited U.S. military officials, defense analysts and even an anonymous Iranian official arguing that Iran likely lacks the will and ability to block shipping in the strait. That argument isn't new: Iran's economy depends on shipments through the strait, and the U.S. Navy can keep it open, if need be. What's more, the Iranians might be deterred by the fear that a skirmish over the strait would give U.S. or Israeli leaders an excuse to attack their nuclear facilities.

The Fed's Incredible Rate Forecasting Hubris. by James A. Dorn

The Federal Reserve’s decision to provide multiyear forecasts for the federal funds rate, and to indicate when that rate might be increased is intended to improve monetary policy by making it more transparent. Currently, the Fed funds rate is close to zero and is expected to remain there until at least mid-2013.
With the Fed’s new policy, a small group of experts—the Board of Governors and the presidents of the twelve Federal Reserve Banks—will individually report their longer-run projections for the target federal funds rate they think is consistent with their dual mandate to maintain price stability and achieve full employment.

What Happened to the GOP's Free-Market Principles? by David Boaz

You expect Democrats to accuse former businessman Mitt Romney of “putting profits over people — making a buck or a few million of them no matter what it took or who it hurt,” as Democratic National Committee spokesman Brad Woodhouse did in releasing a new Web video.
But it’s sad to see the economic ignorance displayed by Romney’s Republican rivals. Rick Tyler, long the closest aide to Newt Gingrich who is now running the pro-Gingrich super PAC, Winning Our Future, declares, “His business success comes from raiding and destroy businesses — putting people out of work, stealing their health care.” The PAC’s ad calls Romney “a predatory corporate raider.”

Keynesian Economics

Flat Tax vs. National Sales Tax

Keynesian Economics Is Wrong: Bigger Gov't Is Not Stimulus

Controlling Leviathan: The Battle for Limited Government

Dan Mitchell discusses the VAT

Dan Mitchell on Soaking the Rich

Stossel: What Is Libertarian Foreign Policy?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Ron Paul — Fed Chairman Bernanke "Was Very Blunt & Said Gold Is NOT Money"

Ron Paul 2012 :: Why End the Fed?

Ron Paul and the Libertarian Revolution - Freedom Watch

Ron Paul Closes In On Top Three In South Carolina

Paul Joseph Watson

Ron Paul Closes In On Top Three In South Carolina Ron+Paul+Holds+Campaign+Rally+South+Carolina+BUodpvu5orYl
After being largely discounted out of a top three finish in South Carolina, Ron Paul is now closing fast on third placed Rick Santorum, as a new poll out of the state shows Mitt Romney’s lead slipping.
Unlike New Hampshire, where Paul finished second after taking advantage of strong support from Independents, South Carolina is dominated by social conservatives who would be more inclined to vote for someone like Santorum (although Mitt Romney’s frontrunner status defies rational explanation given his true stance on abortion).

The Next War on Washington’s Agenda

Paul Craig Roberts

Only the blind do not see that the US government is preparing to attack Iran. According to Professor Michel Chossudovsky, “Active war preparations directed against Iran (with the involvement of Israel and NATO) were initiated in May 2003.”
Washington has deployed missiles directed at Iran in its oil emirate puppet states, Oman and the UAE, and little doubt in the other US puppet states in the Middle East. Washington has beefed up Saudi Arabia’s jet fighter force. Most recently, Washington has deployed 9,000 US troops to Israel to participate in “war games” designed to test the US/Israeli air defense system. As Iran represents no threat unless attacked, Washington’s war preparations signal Washington’s intention to attack Iran.

Ron Paul Has Won: Young People Engage With Liberty, Limited Government, Sound Money, Anti-War Principles

Steve Watson

Ron Paul Has Won: Young People Engage With Liberty, Limited Government, Sound Money, Anti War Principles fa002 Ron Paul ISU 12 8 11 web
When Congressman Ron Paul embarked on a third Presidential campaign he did so with one over riding aim – to engage the next generation of Americans and provide them with the platform to restore the principles of the Constitution. The facts show that he has overwhelmingly succeeded.
Tuesday’s primary in New Hampshire saw the Congressman net almost half of all votes from people aged between 18 and 29 years old. Paul received 47 percent of young voter support, data collated by the Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning & Engagement shows.
Ron Paul Has Won: Young People Engage With Liberty, Limited Government, Sound Money, Anti War Principles Screen Shot 2012 01 11 at 8.12.05 AM
“Dr. Paul’s 47 percent support from 18- to 29-year-olds was the strongest level of support for any candidate by any age group.” said CIRCLE Director Peter Levine in a press release.

Obama Gets Real

By: Peter Schiff |
For most of his time as a national political figure, Barack Obama has been careful to cloak his core socialist leanings behind a veil of pro-capitalist rhetoric. This makes strategic sense, as Americans still largely identify as pro-capitalist. However, based on his recent speech in Osawatomie, Kansas, the President appears to have reassessed the political landscape in advance of the 2012 elections. Based on the growth of the Occupy Wall Street movement, and the recent defeat of Republicans in special elections, he has perhaps sensed a surge of left-leaning sentiment; and, as a result, he finally dropped the pretense.
According to our President's new view of history, capitalism is a theory that has "never worked." He argues that its appeal can't be justified by results, but its popularity is based on Americans' preference for an economic ideology that "fits well on a bumper sticker." He feels that capitalism speaks to the flaws in the American DNA, those deeply rooted creation myths that elevate the achievements of individuals and cast unwarranted skepticism on the benefits of government. He argues that this pre-disposition has been exploited by the rich to popularize policies that benefit themselves at the expense of the poor and middle class.

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